
Make Money Over Internet - Free Online Moneymaking Sites

When it comes time to make money over internet connections, many people imagine they can turn on their computer, use some secret formula and start earning thousands of dollars easily. It's not that simple though friends, because making money on the internet will require either a lot of hard work, or investing your own money into the venture before you see significant payouts. However, there are some great free ways you can start earning money online, which are perfect for beginners to learn about how money is made here on the world wide web! On this page, I'll detail three particular websites you'll probably want to focus when you are just starting out. If you're already keen to online moneymaking, stay with me, as you may want to use these sites as well (if you're not already!)

The first option to make money is a website called Infobarrel. You can join the Infobarrel site for free and start to earn money with them almost immediately. You will also need to have a Google Adsense account, but those are very easy to apply for. Once you've got the Adsense account, you will place a special publisher ID (from your account) into your Infobarrel account. The way infobarrel works is very simple. You write articles for their site with good content, and then earn a percentage of their advertising revenue. The more visitors or views your articles get, the more likely you are to get a good bit of money for writing articles on Infobarrel. It's a very easy site to use in terms of publishing articles. The only thing to be aware of is they have built their site on good content, so don't think you can get away with writing any old article and pasting it there. Infobarrel prefers how-to's and more educational type articles. The editors will reject or deny your articles if they feel they aren't up to their standards. For a way to make money online for free, I recommend you join Infobarrel now, and give it your best shot.

Another site where you earn money on the internet is called Hubpages. The Hubpages site is similar to Infobarrel, in that you will be publishing written content there also. The difference is that Infobarrel offers you 10% more revenue than Hubpages does. However, Hubpages offers you the ability to put some other moneymaking modules onto your "Hubs". These include modules with eBay and Amazon products. When someone makes a purchase after clicking on your module, you'll receive a % commission from the sale. You'll need to be a member of eBay and Amazon's affiliate programs in order to do this, both of which are free to join. Hubpages is a great community-oriented site where other members join your fan club and post comments on your articles. Your articles can include all sorts of extras such as big pictures and even Youtube videos to help illustrate your article's points. Again, it's free to join Hubpages and get started earning income on the net there.

The final site I want to tell you about is called Squidoo. Squidoo is very much like Hubpages, but offers a lot more modules. On Squidoo you can create a lens on any topic you choose (without it being adult content). A lens is basically a one page website you are creating on your topic. It can include written text, videos, Flickr pictures, Amazon products, eBay products, countdown timers, and much, much more. Squidoo is a site where you can really let your creativity run wild. Now the reason I've listed this particular site as the third and final make money online site is because it's a real mystery how your earnings work there. Squidoo uses a special algorithm formula to determine your earnings, based on page visits, your lens page popularity and more. Basically, each month Squidoo divides its revenue amongst all publishers who did well, and you receive a certain amount. It may be a big amount or small amount, and usually you have to earn at least $10 to receive a Paypal payment from them. Nonetheless, Squidoo is free to join and make money online, although I'd recommend it third of the sites mentioned here.

I've now given you three very easy sites you can join to start making money online today. Keep in mind your success on these sites will be directly associated with how much work you're willing to put in, and how much research you do. The more articles you write with good content, and the more you work to get traffic to those articles, the better you'll do with your online income. You'll find yourself able to make money over internet sites with great confidence. Here's to your success!

PS: If you want to learn even quicker ways to make money on the internet, I highly recommend The Rich Jerk's ebook!

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