
BlogRush: New Flavors to Feed On

If you're a blogger and not using Blogrush yet, you might want to give it a try. It can bring potential visitors and subscribers to your blog, creating more traffic and more of an audience. The Monetizer covered BlogRush and what it's all about in a previous entry, BlogRush Widget Brings You More Traffic.

One thing that was noticeable early on about BlogRush was that you could only choose one type of widget to display on your blog, and it was a simple black and white color scheme. It didn't offer bloggers any room to match it to their unique blog colors. However, John Reese, the man behind the BlogRush concept, has now announced that BlogRush is introducing new "flavors" of the widget in about 12 or 13 different color choices. This should make the widget integrate into your blog better, as it can now match your blog's current color scheme. The widgets are slated to be released a few days from now.

In the mean time, if you haven't signed up yet, sign up for BlogRush here. Then you can add your blog details and add the curent black widget or wait for a few days and select the flavor you feel works best!

Here's a look at how stats are going for Monetizer:

That seems to be about the standard for what most bloggers report, 1 or 2 visits from every 1000 times one of your headlines displays. Although the Monetizer has noticed other blogs complaining about the widget, Monetizer suggests to stay positive and look at every new visitor you get as a potential new fan of your material. A few new visitors and possible subscribers can help build a bigger audience. BlogRush has also vowed they are working hard on ways to improve the click through rate. They have been good about email updates about their progress, so with a little patience this little BlogRush widget could really help your blog out!

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