
Win an iPhone from a Facebook MoneyMaker!

Lara Saad can be described as the "Facebook MoneyMaker". She currently authors a blog called "I Make Money on Facebook" which gives you a step by step plan to join facebook, make friends and make money! Since she's done well for herself via various online money making ventures, she's decided to give a little something away to her blog readers. Lara is giving away one of the coolest items on the planet, the iPhone. This is the most popular phone on the planet which plays MP3s and movies, takes pictures, gives you Wi-Fi internet, stores information and even makes phone calls! It will do everything for you except fold your laundry and cook you dinner (these may come in future versions of the phone).

I decided to throw my Monetizer hat into the mix for this contest. I've now entered several blog contests, from $100 prize give aways to those give away the iPod Touch, and now the iPhone. Even though I don't currently use AT&T service, I can switch within a few months, so this prize will be welcome. Or maybe this prize becomes a Monetizer giveaway in 2008!

Full details for Lara's contest:

Deadline: January 1st, 2008 (the winner will be drawn at 11:59 AM CST on January 1st, 2008 and the prize will be sent out on January 2nd)

How to enter: You can enter the "Win an iPhone" contest by doing one of the following (or all of the following):

1- Leave a comment on the post "25 Steps to Make Money on Facebook" (You will get one entry ticket)

2- Subscribe to the RSS feed via email (You will get one entry ticket) at her blog.

3- Write a blog post about this contest and once you finished your post let Lara know by sending an e-mail at lara.saad@yahoo.com (You will get three entry tickets)

So there's a total of 5 entry tickets you can accumulate by doing Steps 1, 2 and 3. And start your new year off with a new tech gadget to woo your friends, organize your life and play the latest MP3s!

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